Change is not always something that is easy. Oftentimes, we are reluctant to embrace habits that stray away from the norm in our day-to-day lives. When it comes to the topic of skincare, there is no exception.
Quite literally, humans are inherently built to resist change. When we are faced with something new to us, there is part of our brain, called the basal ganglia, that is activated. Oftentimes, we make the decision to resort to what we are familiar with because we do not like uncertainty. Familiarity is a place of comfort. That is why it can be challenging to abandon our habits and the things we know and love.
In the fall, we have no choice but to say goodbye to the summer sun and hello to the cooler temperatures. Updating your skincare routine may be needed in accordance with the shift of seasons. The air is typically drier and the weather is colder. These factors can make existing skin conditions worse and even cause new ones to surface.
Now more than ever, it is important to reassess the overall health of your skin. Try out a few new products in your skincare routine and evaluate how your skin responds to them. Daily Concepts offers a variety of different products that can help make this transition seamless.